All of the songs and anthems on the site are free to download for personal use, or to look at with a view to using it in your school or church.
Beyond that, most of the music here is covered by the CCL licences which many schools and churches have, so all that is required is to report the music in the normal way. Do be sure that you have in place the appropriate licence, wether for words or music copying and projection. If you don’t have a CCL licence (and in any case for the non-congregational music which isn’t covered) the fee is GBP 0.02 per copy for words only, orGBP 0.20 per page per copy for music. If you’re projecting the words it’s GBP 0.005 per person present per use.
You can send this via PayPal (My email is paul<AT>, or drop me a line at that address. If you’re arranging these songs for different instruments, let me know if a midi or Sibelius file would be of use. Any income earned through these songs covers the cost of the site and helps me spend more time writing.
In summary…the music here is not copyright free. Go ahead – use it. Just report the use under an appropriate CCL licence, or come back and pay the small fee afterwards.