Aspects of the Holy Spirit. A congregational song.
Galatians 5: 22; 1 Corinthians 12: 7-11; Acts 2: 1-4; John 14: 15-17
Themes: Spirit, Pentecost, Trinity
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This song is in the form of a prayer to the Holy Spirit, that part of the Trinity which often seems most mysterious to us. May we be unafraid to let Her into every part of our lives.
Spirit of God, descend we pray
And lead each one in your true way.
Help us to hear your still small voice
Which chides and checks us when we stray.
Spirit of peace and gentleness
That holds and heals those in distress,
Complete in us that sacred task
And mend with love our brokenness.
Spirit of joy, heaven’s graceful dove,
That soars through space on wings of love,
Alight on us, and break the bonds
Of doubt, and every fear remove.
Spirit of hope and holiness
And self-control and faithfulness,
Bring us to bear these holy fruits
That hands may do what hearts confess.
Spirit of power and purity
Whose loving works we long to see,
Dispel the fear that holds our hearts
And nails our Saviour to the tree.
Spirit of truth and constancy,
Who was and is, and is to be,
Stir up anew within our hearts
Your fire, eternal one in three.
© 1999 Paul Arnold
Picture credit: Flikr / Shawn Carpenter