Heaven’s Peace Lay Over Eden

A simple hymn about the fall of Adam and Eve, yet looking forward with hope to Christ. 

Genesis 3: 1-24
Themes: The fall, salvation
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This was written at the same time as Thorns and Thistles. It’s a traditional hymn, linking the fall with the salvation Jesus brings. 

Heaven’s peace lay over Eden,
Perfect in the cool of day.
Adam walked in his creator’s steps
‘Ere he was led astray.

Eve was talking to the serpent,
Startled when she heard him say
“Why not eat this tempting apple
From the tree which holds such sway?”

Eve was tempted, so was Adam,
Creatures formed of fragile clay.
Weeds sprang up within the garden,
Toil and tears day after day.

Yet the Lord held out a promise
Of salvation – one bright ray
Sent to pierce the gloom and sorrow –
So we celebrate today.

© P. Arnold and M. Bradley 1997

Picture credit: Flikr / Paul Wilkinson