A Handful Of Heaven

Church can be a little taste of heaven. A lilting congregational song.

Galations 5:22; 1 Corinthians 12:12-27
Themes: The Church, The Kingdom of Heaven, Fruits of the Spirit
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This song was written for my church’s 40th anniversary in 2009. To make the verses I asked members of the congregation to share with me moments when they had encountered God.

Hopefully enough of these experiences will be common to other churches to make the song usable elsewhere. Feel free to skip some verses if they don’t seem to be right for your situation, but you should start with verse 1,3,4 or 5, and leave verses 2 and 6 in place.

1. Talents shared and used together,
Music, drama, dance and more,
Giving just a glimpse of what
The kingdom has in store.

So let’s thank the Lord for the church that He’s built here,
A handful of heaven, a portion of peace,
Reflections of rays from the Light of the world,
A tentative taste of the heavenly feast.

2. People here aren’t heavenly heroes,
People here have feet of clay,
But the Father mends and moulds us
Leads us on his way.

3. Preachers called to share God’s message
Spirit sensed in special song,
Young and old join hands together,
Know they all belong.

4. Children needing nurture cared for,
Given light to guide their way,
Given space to seek the Saviour,
Growing day by day.

5.Carrying each other’s burdens,
Praying even when it’s hard,
Opening the doors to those
That others disregard.

6. All these things come from the Father
Praise is due to him alone
Heaven’s fruit grows only where the
Spirit’s seeds are sown.

Picture credit: Flikr / barbara w